Benchmark Exam #1
Now that you know the course structure, we will do our first benchmark exam to give us a better insight on where you need to start improving your English sounds.
To do this exercise, play the recording below and record yourself repeating the short, medium, and long phrases in the pauses between repetitions. Again, don't worry if you sound bad - these recordings are to track your progress!
Remember to check the Soundcloud Tutorial to make sure that you understand to send us your soundcloud recording through your email client and not through the soundcloud website.
You do not need to resubmit for this exercise.
To do this exercise, play the recording below and record yourself repeating the short, medium, and long phrases in the pauses between repetitions. Again, don't worry if you sound bad - these recordings are to track your progress!
Remember to check the Soundcloud Tutorial to make sure that you understand to send us your soundcloud recording through your email client and not through the soundcloud website.
You do not need to resubmit for this exercise.
Benchmark Phrase
Title your submission as "English Benchmark Exam #1, (Your Name)"
When you are finished, give your mouth a rest before moving on to begin Unit 1.
When you are finished, give your mouth a rest before moving on to begin Unit 1.